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A guide on the tulpa creation process by NLD.


Hello. In this guide I’m going to show you one way to create a Tulpa. Following this guide exactly is not necessary or encouraged; should you be more comfortable making a change here or there, that's fine. This is simply a frame to build upon. Everything in this guide is assumed to be true for the purpose of the guide; it is the writer's view and thus may conflict with your own.

What is a Tulpa?[]

A Tulpa is a being that is perceived to be as real as anyone else that exists alongside your mind. They most often have a form they can use in your mind or outside of it with the use of Imposition[1] which you can give them or let them make themselves; this guide will instruct on how to do the former) and a personality composed of traits much like your own. In short, another individual whom you share a physical body with.  


  • Vocality – A state of being for a Tulpa where they are capable of speaking to you via mind-voice
  • Form – How your Tulpa appears in your mind/wonderland or imposed.
  • Imposition; Imposed – The point at which you can observe your Tulpa using any and/or all 5 of your senses; A state in which a Tulpa can be observed using any and/or all of the five senses.
  • Mindvoice – How your Tulpa sounds when they “think” to you in your mind and how you communicate with your Tulpa via thoughts; similar to telepathy with your Tulpa.
  • Personality – Exactly what it says.
  • Forcing - Forcing is interacting with and working on your Tulpa. It comes in two main flavors, active and passive. Some methods for forcing are exclusive to each, some can be done in either.

-Active: This involves you pouring all your focus and attention onto your Tulpa, usually in a meditative state, and actively working on/interacting with your Tulpa. For personality forcing for example it would be sitting down and doing the example in the VIII section with the traits entering the body or for creation of form sculpting the form as mentioned in section VII. Once your Tulpa is vocal and moving on their own you can even go on adventures in the wonderland, which also counts as active forcing.

-Passive: This is working on your Tulpa while you do other things and are not directly focusing on your Tulpa. Narration mainly falls into this category but can be active as well.

  • Narration- Narration is simply speaking to your Tulpa (either out loud or with mindvoice, what is essentially thinking to them/directing your thoughts at them) and telling them about themselves, your day, your likes/dislikes, or anything similar.
  • Mind's eye - Nothing more than the ability to see things in your head.


This step isn't difficult; you should find a method to plan out their form and personality. Make a web, make a flow chart, scribble things down, whatever you have to do to decide on a form and personality traits.

Creating a Wonderland (Optional)[]

See the page in question for what a Wonderland is.  

To create a wonderland, you need to be able to visualize a location in your mind's eye. Once you do, then you must stabilize it and make it consistent and perpetual (it should look roughly the same as it usually does, minor detals are usually filled in by the brain so they may not be consistent. Examples are clutter or fine details of things like trees). The best way to do this is to create a simple room; four walls a floor and a roof. You can use this as a workshop of sorts for creating your tulpa, and the two of you can expand it later.  


See the article here

Active Forcing[]

There are two separate methods of active forcing: Open-Eyed and Closed-eyed. While this guide is based around the former, you're free to try the latter if the former doesn't work for you.

  • Open-eyed
Similar to daydreaming; you visualize things with your eyes open. The best way to do this is find a secluded, quiet, possibly dark area (if you aren't worried about falling asleep that is) and relax the most you can. Your goal is to visualize what you want to see (your wonderland/tulpa in this case) as best you can. Forcing also shares much with (and is arguably a form of) meditation, so if you know how to do that you're on your way to forcing.
  • Closed-eyed
Better if you can't do open-eyed or light bothers you while you're trying to force. The same starting process as above, except you do so while your eyes are closed. This isn't recommended if you fall asleep easy; while there are myths that it can cause your tulpa to become evil or crazy or something along those lines, they are untrue; if you fall asleep forcing it simply negatively impact you by cutting the session short and reducing the amount of work you get done on your tulpa. The key thing to remember here is to not stare at the back of your eyelids but rather focus on the image in your mind's eye.

I recommend you force sitting up, especially if you're using closed-eyed visualization because lying down might lead to you falling asleep and as I mentioned before it cuts forcing sessions short.

Passive Forcing

Passive forcing is a way of forcing without totally focusing on your Tulpa/Wonderland. This includes simply speaking to your Tulpa via mindvoice throughout your day or thinking to them offhand. This method is, as a general rule, less effective than active forcing, but it is possible to make a Tulpa entirely from passive forcing. This is good if you don't have the time or the means to active force or just want to get in some extra work on your Tulpa without having to active force. Narration falls into this category mainly, although it can be done actively as well.

Creating the Form[]

Don’t assume it will take a long time or be difficult, because it varies from person to person, and things such as hour counts (as in “X should be done by Y amount of hours”, most of the first guides suggest these but they have been debunked since) but using hours or days to keep track of is of the worst things to do (keeping your progress in something like a journal is fine); it will hinder your progress because it will build expectations, and that will most likely directly affect your Tulpa in a negative fashion (causing their development to be shaped by your expectations, although this is debatable due to the opposite thought process not generally proving to work) and if you get replies before that time you might doubt them, which is counterproductive. Don't worry about how long it'll take, just go through the paces and keep at it until you get results.

To start, picture a rough 3D model of your Tulpa’s form (see reference image below, or use google to find a similar image for whatever form your tulpa is going to have if it isn't human). Now imagine you are looking through a floating camera (like in a 3-d modeling program for instance, see This [2] ). Imagine that in real life you’re holding a handle-like remote with a thumb stick that wraps around the top of your thumb, and triggers and buttons within easy access of your fingers. It can look however you wish and be set up however you wish (example, a trigger to grab the model with and rotate it). 

Low poly human male

Example of a low-poly human male

If you’re having trouble visualizing that, you could start by visualizing something simple like a cube and working your way up.  After you get this down, begin smoothing out that model, and take as much time as you need. Look at it from all angles, smooth it down until it looks how it should. This not only creates form, but helps in being able to “see” your Tulpa on demand easier later down the road, and might even help with imposition, particularly if you used open-eyed forcing.

As I mentioned before, you don't have to do it open-eyed, but I did and thus only have experience with this using open-eyed visualization so your results might vary. Feel free to experiment with other ways of shaping the "model" of your tulpa, such as using your bare hands in the wonderland.

Giving your Tulpa Personality[]

This can be done a number of ways, but the way I recommend is to imagine the traits on rays of light that go into their head. I recommend something involving the traits entering their body, even phasing through. Now once you’ve done this once, you need to narrate to them. This is essentially just spending about an hour a day sitting there telling your Tulpa “You are [trait]” with all their traits over and over. This is narration, and it's a very important and easy way to work on personality. It may be tiresome and boring, but it's important.

Eventually you'll recive some form of response; it could be something as simple as head pressures or a complete vocal response. A good rule of thumb to tell if it's you or not is to try to figure out how it "feels" when you think to yourself and compare that to responses; generally a tulpa's response is a sort of "alien" feeling that is difficult to describe. Remember to just let things happen and don't worry about fast or slow; there are no fast Tulpas, there are no slow Tulpas, only your Tulpa and you.

Additional Methods[]

If you feel like you’re parroting or need another exercise for vocality, try one of the following:

  • Ping Pong
This method is a common one. You say one word and tell your Tulpa to respond with a related word (Such as “Ping” and “Pong” or “Marco” and “Polo”). Repeat until their voice is easily identifiable from your own.
  • cum ping-pong
A variation on the above. Instead of telling them to give you the response word, tell them to surprise you with something else but continue to listen for the response word instead.

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